The next event in the FAS Spotlight webinar series: Spotlight on Brazil – “A Country of Opportunities” will be on held on Wed, Oct. 20 from 1:00-2:30 PM EST. Did you know that Brazil is the 12th largest economy in the world and in 2020, U.S. agricultural exports to Brazil reached US$1.1 billion, making Brazil our 25th largest market? This event will start off with a market brief by Michael Conlon, Agricultural Counselor, Nicole Podesta Agricultural Attaché, and Evgenia Ustinova, Agricultural Attaché FAS-Brasilia followed by a discussion of the bilateral relationship between the U.S. and Brazil with a special emphasis on climate change. Nicolas Rubio, Director FAS Agricultural Trade Office, Sao Paolo will then discuss FAS ongoing trade promotion activities as well as those planned for the coming year. Finally, a guest speaker, Edgar Fernandes from Blue Diamond Almonds will share with us tips for success in the Brazilian market. Please use this link to join the meeting.