The Communication Officers of State Departments of Agriculture is an affiliate and supporting partner of the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture that is composed of the communications officers of each state’s department of agriculture.

The mission of COSDA is to improve communication between states and relevant federal agencies.

By crafting and delivering key messages, COSDA promotes the nation’s agriculture industry, consumer protection initiatives and regulatory policies to the public, media, constituents and lawmakers.

COSDA is a low-cost professional network providing high value to members, offering well-rounded insights into common issues facing communication professionals at state departments of agriculture.

NASDA Contact Sarah Grace Fowler, Director of Communications

President: Michael Wallace, Communications Director – Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services

Vice President: Jessica Hackett, Director of Communications, Maryland Department of Agriculture

Second Vice President: Rebecca Eddy, Director of Communications 1, Connecticut Department of Agriculture

Secretary: Sam GO, Communications Director, Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection

NASDA Liaison: Logan Kruse, Communications Officer, Montana Department of Agriculture

Digital Media Liaison: Jenny Green, Communications Specialist – New Mexico Department of Agriculture

Federal Liaison: Jennifer Holton, Communications Director – Michigan Department of Agriculture & Rural Development

Past President: Eva Moore, Communications Director – South Carolina Department of Agriculture