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The protection and conservation of our natural resources is of vital importance for both agricultural producers and state departments of agriculture. NASDA works closely with our federal partners and stakeholders on such issues as water quality, public lands management, conservation, endangered species, and pesticide regulation.
Combating the spread of diseases, ensuring plant health, and guarding against the spread of invasive species are key responsibilities of state departments of agriculture. NASDA members are actively engaged in these issues at the state, federal and international level to ensure the safety and profitability of U.S. agriculture.
Committee of Jurisdiction: Plant Agriculture and Pesticide Regulation Committee
Director Chris Chinn, Missouri
Vice Chair:
Director Chanel Tewalt, Idaho
NASDA Staff Contact:
Josie Montoney-Crawford
Matters within the jurisdiction of the Plant Agriculture and Pesticide Regulation Committee shall include those related to plant pest and disease, biotechnology, hemp, pesticide regulations, pollinators, invasive species and biostimulants.