About our Partnership with the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service
In 1972, NASDA and the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA-NASS) entered into a federal partnership for NASDA to employ enumerators, pay their salaries, travel expenses and other costs associated with data collection for specific surveys. Over time, the agreement has expanded to cover all data collection work for all surveys in all states.
The valuable information provided by agricultural statistics gathered through this cooperative agreement is essential in the planning and administration of federal and state programs. Congressional action on any farm bill relies heavily on acreage, production potential, stocks, prices, costs of production, and income data.
Farmers, ranchers, and others in agriculture also require reliable information on production, supplies, marketing, prices, weather, and a vast array of other inputs. Up-to-date agricultural statistics provide valuable information that helps develop a stable economic atmosphere and reduce risk in production, marketing, and distribution operations.
Celebrating 50 Years of Partnership!
Key Enumerator Resources
Email Help Desk & Support for Enumerators.
NASDA enumerators can submit questions for NASDA Headquarters staff via email to EnumeratorSupport@NASDA.org.