The International Association of Milk Control Agencies was founded in 1935 to improve the effectiveness and uniformity of regulation among the economic regulatory agencies and to provide a forum for exchange of information.

The milk industry has never been more complicated, more volatile or more important to the economic vitality of our economies. IAMCA provides a unique forum for understanding and reacting to the ever-changing milk industry.

NASDA Contact RJ Karney, Senior Director, Public Policy
Contact Julie-Marie R. Bickford, Past President, 2022-2024
Christine Gravelle, Secretary/Treasurer
Phone Number Office Phone: (207) 287-7521
Milk Commission Mobile Phone: (207) 592-1610
Address 28 State House Station 90 Blossom Lane
Augusta, ME 04333-0028 Augusta, ME
International Association of Milk Control Agencies (IAMCA)