Pesticides are an essential component within many agricultural and horticultural crop production systems that result in the production of a safe, abundant and affordable food supply. Pesticides are also critical tools in a variety of public health activities. NASDA supports the scientifically-sound development, review, registration and re-registration of crop protection technologies and uses to enable growers to produce our nation’s food, fiber and fuel. Predictable, enforceable, science-based pesticide regulatory framework is essential to achieving food security, minimizing environmental and endangered species impacts and meeting agricultural sustainability goals. NASDA encourages the U.S. EPA to adopt the best available science and adhere to the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act risk-benefit mandate when registering new pesticide products and re-registering existing pesticide products.

With respect to the Endangered Species Act Workplan, NASDA encourages the EPA to develop a robust compliance strategy that meaningfully incorporates concerns raised by state departments of agriculture about its current enforceability challenges.

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