Contact Information

Phone Number

105 Corporate Drive
Suite A
Frankfort, Kentucky 40601
United States of America

Socials: Twitter

Kentucky once was described as a “land of contrasts,” and the same can be said of the Commonwealth’s fast-changing agriculture industry.

Kentucky farmers achieved a record $5.7 billion in farm cash receipts in 2013. Kentucky’s leading agricultural product in cash receipts was poultry and eggs at more than $1.2 billion. Kentucky is, of course, the Horse Capital of the World, and sales of horses and stud fees accounted for cash receipts of nearly $400 million. Kentucky is the leading beef cattle state east of the Mississippi River with more than 1 million beef cows as of Jan. 1, 2015. Other major commodities include corn, soybeans, burley tobacco, dairy products, hay, and wheat.

A 2015 study by the University of Kentucky found that Kentucky’s agriculture industry generated a total direct and indirect economic impact of $45.6 billion and more than 258,000 jobs.

Kentucky Proud is the official state marketing program for Kentucky-grown, -raised, or -processed agricultural products. More than 4,000 farmers, processors, retailers, restaurants, farmers’ markets, school districts, colleges and universities, Kentucky state parks, and Kentucky Farm Bureau roadside markets are members of Kentucky Proud.