Wisconsin has a strong agricultural heritage. Those traditions carry on today making Wisconsin one of the most diverse agricultural states in the nation, producing a variety of dairy, livestock, vegetables, and specialty crops. Wisconsin agriculture also generates $104.8 billion annually to the state’s economy.
Most people know Wisconsin as America’s Dairyland. Our milk is used by Wisconsin cheese makers to produce more than 600 varieties, types and styles of award-winning cheese, from traditional cheddar and mozzarella to hand-crafted artisan styles.
Wisconsin’s cranberry marshes lead the nation in production. Wisconsin also ranks first in the country for mink pelts, corn for silage, and snap beans for processing.
The department’s mission is to partner with all the citizens of Wisconsin to grow the economy by promoting quality food, healthy plants and animals, sound use of land and water resources, and a fair marketplace. Seven divisions help accomplish this, which include Agricultural Resource Management, Animal Health, Food and Recreational Safety, Management Services, Agricultural Development, Office of the Secretary, and Trade and Consumer Protection.