A message from NASDA’s new Senior Director, Public Policy

Happy New Year!

Thank you all for the warm welcome. I have had the pleasure of working alongside many of you while advocating for policies that strengthen our food and agriculture community. This community always mobilizes to meet new challenges, and I am excited to serve our farmers and ranchers from this new perspective at NASDA.

We are preparing for a year of transitions. Now more than ever, our members need robust alliances in agriculture innovation, which is where most of you thrive. Driving innovation into new technologies and infrastructure is diversifying our approach to reach more people and gross the largest positive impact across this great nation. NASDA is unique because we provide congress with specific local and regional policy solutions directly from state departments of agriculture. Your support is paramount to ensuring the best initiatives, data and network represent our needs on the hill.

We know that the resiliency of our food system, our policies and our mental health will again be tested in 2021. Our team maintains an open-door policy and I encourage you to reach out early and often. I look forward to seeing you all at our virtual winter policy conference in a few weeks.


RJ Karney
Senior Director, Public Policy

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