Kansas State University’s National Agricultural Biosecurity Center conducted a survey with State Animal Health Officials to capture overarching themes, challenges and gaps in the food and animal agriculture space in response to COVID-19. The report includes a summary of foreign animal disease incidents, FDA planning preparations responses, recommendations for an FDA outbreak and recommended solutions to the challenges an FDA outbreak would generate.
Highlights from the survey:
- State departments of agriculture are viewed as the best authority to provide educational materials intended to inform decision makers on the importance of agriculture in the event of a foreign animal disease incident.
- In the event of a national-level foreign animal disease incident, a majority of responders felt there would not be adequate supplies and accessibility of PPE to respond appropriately.
- There is a need for stronger training efforts to preparation for foreign animal disease incidents at the state level.
- Responders viewed lack of understanding the importance of biosecurity planning and limited time to devote to planning as the biggest impediments to widespread adoption of biosecurity plans among livestock producers.
- Responders were not as confident that federal economic support would be made available to support producers through the loss of production and markets during an FAD incident.
Contact Information
Rebecca Barnett
Associate Director, Public Policy
Associate Director, Public Policy