Promoting agriculture at home and abroad is a primary responsibility for state departments of agriculture. To that end, NASDA is actively engaged on matters related to domestic marketing and promotion programs, the competitiveness of specialty crops, international trade agreements, programs to assist in the expansion of international markets for U.S. agricultural products, harmonization of technical standards, inspection and regulatory programs, and programs to provide food aid.
Food Safety Modernization Act Implementation Food Implementation
To increase export opportunities for U.S. food, agriculture and forestry producers NASDA is asking Congress and the Administration to:
- Leverage existing trade relationships and pursue and secure new agreements to increase market access and reduce non-tariff trade barriers
- Fully fund trade promotion programs, including the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Market Access Program and Foreign Market Development program
- Engage with global trade institutions, including the World Trade Organization and Codex Alimentarius Commission, to promote use of standard setting processes long adopted by the U.S. and the vast majority of agriculture and food producing countries of the world..
Currently, 46 states and one territory have entered into cooperative agreements with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to educate and/or regulate farms subject to the rule based on a framework NASDA developed through its agreement with FDA.