Join us in the Bluegrass State

NASDA President and Kentucky Commissioner of Agriculture Ryan Quarles invites you to attend the upcoming 2021 NASDA Annual Meeting, Sept. 19 – 22, in beautiful Louisville, Kentucky.

NASDA is a nonpartisan, nonprofit association which represents the elected and appointed commissioners, secretaries, and directors of the departments of agriculture in all fifty states and four U.S. territories. NASDA grows and enhances American agriculture through policy, partnerships and public engagement.

Hotel Reservations

NASDA has a block of rooms reserved at the Seelbach Hotel until August 20. The rates is $229/night+ tax.

Group Code: GNASDA


The success of this national event is dependent upon our local partners. As a local partner, you will have access to an unprecedented level of networking with over 300 agricultural leaders advancing agriculture at the state, regional and national levels.

Pre-Meeting Documents

NASDA meetings are now paperless so printed policy books will not be provided onsite.


NASDA Members wishing to designate a staff member to vote on your behalf during committee meetings or the business meeting should complete a proxy form prior to the meeting. As a reminder, NASDA Members (or their proxies) will be allowed to serve on three policy committees. States may attend all committee meetings, but states will only be allowed to vote in the three committees of which they are registered members.

All dues paying NASDA Members have a vote during the NASDA Business Meeting. Please email your proxy forms to Rebecca Barnett (

Policy Committees

Members are allowed to serve on three policy committees. You will register for the committee meetings when you register for the annual meeting.

For questions about NASDA’s policymaking process, please contact Senior Director, Public Policy RJ Karney(

NASDA Annual Meeting Kentucky 2021


September 19, 2021 – September 22, 2021


Seelbach Hilton

500 Fourth Street
Louisville, KY 40202
