As part of an initiative to modernize and strengthen operations, NASDA’s NASS Program launched a strategic plan for 2024-2029. These initiatives include a new management structure, a performance-based pay system, enhanced training programs and operational efficiencies. By modernizing our operations, NASDA’s NASS Program seeks to provide more robust statistical services, contributing to the growth and sustainability of the agricultural sector. Together, we will continue strengthening the NASDA-NASS partnership and ensuring a thriving future for American agriculture. Learn more at the links below.
Read the latest news articles on the strategic initiative.
Field Notes
Read NASDA’s quarterly newsletter on NASS updates and activities.
News & Blogs
New USDA-ERS Report Highlights Diversity and Trends in U.S. Agriculture
News Article The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service recently released America’s Farms and Ranches at a Glance, based on the latest Agricultural Resource Management Survey data. The report provides an overview of [...]
Celebrating Excellence: NASDA Enumerator Awards 2024
News Article On Dec. 12, 12 National Association of State Departments of Agriculture enumerators and supervisors were recognized for their exceptional contributions to agricultural data collection during the annual U.S. Department of Agriculture National [...]
Policy Perspectives: Becky Garrison Warfel Discusses NASDA’s Food Safety and Nutrition Goals
In this issue, NASDA Public Policy Director Becky Garrison Warfel shares insights on NASDA’s efforts in food safety and nutrition. As a registered dietitian with experience in promoting U.S. crops, Becky offers a unique [...]
NASS: Meet the People Behind the Numbers – Amy Bailey
Amy Bailey leads the Crops and Specialty Surveys Section at USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, managing surveys that gather important data on crops across the country. She works closely with NASS Survey Administrators to [...]
Enumerator Spotlight: Meet Jessica Welshans
Since 2014, Jessica Welshans has been a dedicated NASDA enumerator and supervisor in Pennsylvania. Her strong ties to her community and in-depth knowledge of the area have helped ensure reliable agricultural data for local [...]
NASDA Pilot Regions Workshop: Building Skills & Strategies for Success
NASDA recently hosted a training workshop in Sioux City, Iowa, for our Northern Plains and Upper Midwest pilot regions. This event brought together new coaches, managers, trainers and supervisors to help them get ready [...]