Consumers in the U.S. enjoy the safest and healthiest food supply in the work. State agencies, including state departments of agriculture, play a vital role in implementing and enforcing our nation’s system of food safety and inspection laws. NASDA works on a wide variety of issues related to labeling, inspection and regulation of raw and processed food (including meat, poultry and seafood) and food production, processing and marketing methods and technologies to ensure human safety and nutrition.

Committee of Jurisdiction: Food Regulation Committee


Secretary Karen Ross, California

Vice Chair:
Commissioner Bryan Hurlburt, Connecticut

NASDA Staff Contact:
Becky Garrison Warfel

Matters within the jurisdiction of the Food Systems and Nutrition shall include food safety, food labeling, nutrition, food waste, food access/security and food supply chain issues.

Explore Food Systems and Nutrition Topics

Cooperative Agreements

Food Safety

Food Supply
& Production

Food Systems

Nutrition &
Food Assistance

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